Friendships During Pregnancy


It’s important to have friends during all stages of your life, but especially during pregnancy. Pregnancy can be a time of joy, excitement, and anticipation, but it can also be a time when many women feel isolated and alone. This is perfectly natural, given the tremendous physical and emotional changes that occur during pregnancy. However, you shouldn't have to face those challenges on your own.

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The Decision: College Pregnancy


As a college student, it is normal to feel all kinds of emotions when you find out that you are pregnant. Whether joyous, anxious or uncertain about the future, know that there are many other people who have gone through similar experiences and have made it out the other side. Most importantly: know that you don't need to go through this alone!


You probably have a lot of questions - that's normal. We'll try to answer some of them in this post.

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The Decision: Pregnant in High School


Navigating all the highs and lows of teenage life can be overwhelming. Now, add in the additional tension of being a young parent: working out how to fund diapers, dealing with morning sickness - it may appear impossible! But teen pregnancy doesn't have to feel so discouraging - there is light at the end of this tunnel. Hope and positivity await you on your journey.

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