Telling Your Parents that Your Girlfriend is Pregnant


If your girlfriend is unexpectedly pregnant, you likely have a whole lot of thoughts running wild through your head. One thing you may be pondering is how you're going to tell your parents that you got your girlfriend pregnant. Having a conversation like that with your parents is probably unlike any other talk you've had with them before. It's understandable that you may be feeling apprehensive and uncertain about how the conversation will go. It's a sensitive topic and something that has a major impact on both your life and theirs. In this post, we'll offer some advice on how to best prepare for the talk and how to make the conversation most productive.

Preparing for the talk:

Figuring out how to have the conversation is often challenging - you might not even know where to start! It's important to remember that no two families are the same and that everyone handles these types of conversations differently. However, there are a few general tips to keep in mind as you prepare to have the talk with your parents:


  1. Consider potential reactions: While it's not your responsibility to anticipate exactly how they will react, try to think about what their response may be. There's no point in worrying over their potential reactions and causing more anxiety for yourself, but having an idea of what their response to the news will be can help you prepare some answers for likely questions they may have or things they may say.

  2. Get the facts straight: Before you talk with your parents, take some time to gather and organize some of the information you'll likely need. Come prepared with details like how far along the pregnancy is, if there are any medical concerns for the mother or baby, and what your plans are moving forward (if you have any yet).

  3. Practice what you're going to say: Consider how you want to break the news to them. Rehearsing it in your head or in a mirror can be a good way to flush out the best way to share your thoughts clearly.

  4. Decide if you want your girlfriend with you: If you think it would be beneficial for you or the situation for your girlfriend to be in on the discussion with your parents, be sure to include her in the prep work we've outlined here. Try to get both of you on the same page so you can avoid too much confusion during the conversation.

Having the talk:

Preparing is only the first step. Once you've sat down for the conversation, there are some important things to keep in mind:


  1. Speak plainly and truthfully: This might be a difficult conversation for you to have, but it is necessary that your parents hear what you want to say so all parties can properly understand the situation and how it affects you. Don't sugarcoat things or try to downplay any part of the situation. Share your feelings and your thoughts openly so that they understand where you're at with things.

  2. Respect their feelings: You aren't the only one impacted by this news. Your parents might feel a range of emotions from shock and fear to disappointment or anger. It's important to respect and understand their feelings and be willing to give them time to process the situation.

  3. Respect their advice:  Even if you don't agree with everything your parents have to say, it's essential to listen to and consider their advice. They may have a unique perspective based on their own experiences or gained wisdom.

  4. Stay calm and collected:  If the conversation gets heated, try to keep a cool head. Don't get overly defensive and don't raise your voice if you can help it. Remember that your parents are also seriously impacted by this situation and so they may have strong reactions initially.


There's no magic way to make this an easy conversation, but the steps we've outlined here can help you to prepare and engage in the talk with your parents in an effective way. No matter what happens, remember to stay respectful of the feelings and opinions of both yourself and your parents.


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